Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blog 4

Ontology: The philosophical study of the nature of being, existence of reality in general as the basic categories of being and their relations. It also deals with questions concerning existences.


From reading "The Metaphysics of the Matrix" by Jorge J.E. Garcia and Jonathan J. Sanford I think I have to a general understanding of what they were trying to say about metaphysics and The Matrix. Throughout their argument they kept using the terms "ontological status" and "source". To my understanding from the text and from the internet I see "ontological status" as what really exist in the matrix and how it is maintained. When Garcia and Sanford use the term "source" they are referring to the causes or where does it take place". Garcia and Sanford are trying to tell us that they believe that the real world is more real than The Matrix due to the fact of many unanswered questions. Also Because everything in The Matrix relies on the functions in the real world. I believe I could easily agree with Garcia and Sanford because it makes sense to believe that The Matrix is imaginary.


  1. I agree, the idea of the unreal world is easier to understand because it is in fact based in reality. Makes me wonder how the 1st of Neo's predecesors(sp?) came to that realization

  2. Really nice!! but i know you could done better! LOL, "many unanswered questions" like what? like WHAT? LIKE WHAT???

  3. i agree u could have done better, come on now lol nah it was well written :)

  4. Lol Im going to be beat all 3 of you clowns up
