Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blog 6

The movie “The Truman Show” is about a man whose entire life is a live 24/7/365 television that people watch daily. He never knew that he is being watched that is because he was led to believe that he is living a completely normal life with normal people when he is not. Truman lives on an Island named Seaheaven where all the people he thinks are real are indeed actors. At the end of it all Truman finally learns the truth about his life and from there he tries to leave the island. He has made a few unsuccessful tries but eventually he finally flees the island to begin his new life, one that does not include Seaheaven. Can Truman actually handle living a normal life after 30 years of being surrounded by untrustworthy actors? We all know Truman does not know exactly what to expect for the simple fact that he does not know anything else, but we do know he wants to expect a world with people are not going to lie and play pretend with him. In one way I believe that Truman will not be able to live a normal life is because to everyone else other than those living on the island look at Truman as a big celebrity. So instead of him exploring the world, doing things he has never done, and living a normal life he is going to get star treatment. Another reason I believe Truman will not like or be able to handle life on the other side of the door is because he probably wont be able to handle the reality of how everyday life goes. Other than the death of his father Truman’s life was pretty much perfect. Christof the creator of the Truman show said:

“Accept the reality of the world in which you are presented”

Only problem is that nothing about Truman’s life is real. I think the one thing Truman will enjoy about the reality is finding the woman he has always loved.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blog 5

I believe every one's life is predetermined by special individual fate. I am not sure exactly why I believe that but I do. What I do not believe though is that your path towards your fate is predetermined. I believe that your life decisions and choices are all up to you but one way or another fate will come. In my life I believe I live free in someways but others I am oppressed by my family and society. In "Fate, Freedom, and Foreknowledge" by Theodore Schick Jr. he states "If you have to do something- if it is not in your power to do otherwise- then you are not free to do it." Which I believe is true within most of lives we live. Everyday we wake up either go to school or work all day, then go home and go to sleep to do it again tomorrow. None of this is really "our choice". After reading this section Schick has brought to my attention that in both The Matrix and the "real world" you are either being controlled by someone or something just in two different ways. So in that case there really is not any point in trying to escape from one or the other because either way your life is not truly up to you. Although in the Matrix it seems to be like it is.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blog 4

Ontology: The philosophical study of the nature of being, existence of reality in general as the basic categories of being and their relations. It also deals with questions concerning existences.


From reading "The Metaphysics of the Matrix" by Jorge J.E. Garcia and Jonathan J. Sanford I think I have to a general understanding of what they were trying to say about metaphysics and The Matrix. Throughout their argument they kept using the terms "ontological status" and "source". To my understanding from the text and from the internet I see "ontological status" as what really exist in the matrix and how it is maintained. When Garcia and Sanford use the term "source" they are referring to the causes or where does it take place". Garcia and Sanford are trying to tell us that they believe that the real world is more real than The Matrix due to the fact of many unanswered questions. Also Because everything in The Matrix relies on the functions in the real world. I believe I could easily agree with Garcia and Sanford because it makes sense to believe that The Matrix is imaginary.