"The Matrix" is a fictious film that describes a future where what humans believe to be is reality is really the Matrix. Sounds confusing huh? That is the same thing that I thought. Over the years I have always heard people speak of the movie "The Matrix". And I always thought of it to be just a regular action movie, but in fact it is much more than that. "The Matrix" has more to it than just special effects and fighting scenes. It has a lot of historical, philosophic, and religious meaning to it. During the course of the movie Morpheus tries to teach and convince Thomas A. Anderson or "Neo" about the Matrix and that he is indeed "the one". While watch the film for the very first time I was confused to a point on no return. After watching the movie I read a few articles pertaining to the film and now I have a better understanding of the it, but I believe I have to watch it a couple more times to understand it in it's entirety.
"The Allegory of the Cave" was a good way to interpret The Matrix. Both videos can be compared and have a connection. In The Matrix Neo is prisioner that was lifted into seeing the light or the "truth". And in the Allegory of the Cave Socrates is Neo because he does not believe in himself or he does not believe all that people think of him to be. Both Socrates and Neo are the same in sense that they are always asking questions, they are always trying to find more out.
One common theme that I seen while watching the film was humans and machines and how much they tried to portrait that humans were just like the machines. If the humans aren't dependent on the machines then they go hand in hand. Machines rely on humans for life and humans rely on machines to live theirs, which easily makes the two interdependent. The entire movie in one way or another constantly revolves around this theme.
Another theme seen in the movie is "truth". As I said earlier throughout the entire movie Morepheus is trying to convince "Neo" about the truth and reality of the real world. But in my opinion I would really like to know what is the REAL truth? Why did all of this occur? And is what Morpheus claims to be the "truth" actually true?